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What's Happening with Rebel Health

When Did We Get So Lazy?

No, not physical activity lazy, although THAT’S a whole other topic. I mean mentally lazy regarding our food. I so often hear things that just make my ears hurt. “But it says it’s a...

End of Treatment Update: Onward and Upward

Ed’s Birthday and a special opportunity for a picture Hello world! We’re getting ready to re-enter the real world… Other than all things “hair”, life is returning to...

This is not me! But here’s a quick update!

I’ve never had short hair. Nor was this planned. And it’s completely out of control! Shooting for a little Meg Ryan, and ended up with the mop head from the gym! (JK – I can make it...

How to Find a CrossFit Gym

Your first question should be “Why would I want to?”. That part’s easy. It is the best, completely comprehensive, and “proven” program for functional fitness around...

Updated Fish Cake Recipe

I recently joined wild health. as a healthcare provider. It’s been one of the most eye-opening health journeys I’ve taken in years, and I’m not easily impressed. Not that I’m...

Shut The Door!

It happened. An athlete asked me a question I felt myself backing away and shutting the door on them. Gulp! No, double gulp! It wasn’t intentional, but there are steps to accomplish any goal...

The Most Basic Nutrition Info: Learn it!

It’s November as I write this. The weather is finally a little less humid here in Florida, and we can sense fall barreling down the tunnel. There are about two months until the end of the year.until...

New Projects = Tough Love

Our new project is a CrossFit gym for ages 55+! Many might think “why”? I think “why not?…are you kidding”…there’s more need there!” There’s more...